Financial emergencies can put a strain on your savings. However, with the help of a personal loan, you can overcome this problem quickly and hassle-free. A personal loan can be used for a variety of purposes like paying off credit card debt, managing medical expenses, renovating the home, covering wedding expenses, and more. With this flexibility offered by personal loans, they have gained great popularity in recent times. With the help of leading financial institutions, you can qualify for a personal loan online through a hassle-free online application process, indulgent eligibility criteria, minimum personal loan documents, instant approval, and quick disbursement are some of the added benefits of a personal loan from major financial institutions.

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Tips to Avail Personal Loan Without Income Proof In Mumbai

Whether you are looking for a personal loan from private finance without income proof in Mumbai or any other city in India, please note that documents are usually required by lenders to verify your identity, financial status, etc. However, the need for documents has been minimized which allows you to apply online and access the loan amount without visiting a lender in person. Technology has made it possible for lenders to authorize a personal loan with minimal documentation as all the necessary information is readily available online. Here are some easy ways to get a personal loan without having to submit too many additional documents.

Choose a financial institution that you maintain a good relationship with 

Loyalty has come a long way in the world of finance, and this is especially true when it comes to borrowing credit. If you are a long-term client from a financial institution, you can easily take advantage of an undocumented personal loan. This is because the lender already has the important information at their fingertips and has access to your financial history. Some lenders can even sanction a personal loan without proof of income if your profile indicates significant wealth.

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Maintain a high credit score

Since a personal loan is a form of unsecured or collateral free credit, lenders highlight your credit score to determine the risk involved in sanctioning your claim. This is why it is important to maintain a high CIBIL score because it tells lenders that you have been responsible for the credit you borrowed in the past. It also indicates that you are less likely to delay payments or EMIs. Some lenders may even sanction a loan without being presented with payslips and bank statements.

Choose a lender that offers the instant approval feature

Typically, lenders who have the instant approval feature attached to their loan offers require only the bare minimum of documentation. For example, some banks offer online applications and you can get loan approval in 5 minutes. Moreover, they also offer fast payment options because you can get the full amount to your bank account within 24 hours of approval.

Avail of a Pre-approved Offer

To truly experience minimal or no document loan requests, simply go for a pre-approved offer. This way, you can easily access a pre-approved offer based on your financial profile. These offers are created especially for you and give you the loan at a comfortable interest rate. If you do not have documents proving your income such as payslips, statements, etc, you can take advantage of a personal loan in the following ways: 

 When applying for a personal loan without documents, 

  • The most recent Form 16 can be submitted as proof of income. 
  • You can also submit any other source of income from various business activities, rental income, bank balance, spouse or parents’ income, etc. 
  • If you have a long-standing relationship with your lender, you may not need to show proof of income when applying for an instant personal loan. 
  • You can also appoint a collateral when applying for a personal loan. The collateral will be required to present proof of his income and guarantee the payment of the personal loan in the event of default. 
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Now that you know some important tips that can help you take advantage of an undocumented personal loan, let’s take a look at the personal loan eligibility criteria. Here’s a related article posted at Daily Prosper that explains if you can get a credit card without a job. Curious? read then.

Personal Loan Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria for a personal loan may vary from one financial institution to another. However, most loan providers have lenient personal loan eligibility criteria. Some of the most common criteria are mentioned below: 

  • You must be a resident of India 
  • At least 21 years old 
  • You must have an Indian bank account 
  • You need an Indian ID valid 

While it is possible to obtain a personal loan from private finance without income proof in Mumbai, remember that you may still need to file some documents. So, do your research ahead of time to avoid surprises in the future. 

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