Plastic surgeons have a lot on their plate. Aside from managing their practice, they figure out how to beat their competitors. With pay-per-click (PPC), they can prevail in the competition.

PPC is a paid ads strategy that promotes brands, showcases products and services, and creates leads. When used correctly, it generates quick results after your ads go live. Let us explore the best techniques to optimize PPC ads and highlight your plastic surgery practice.

Create Structured Campaigns and Ad Groups

According to Digital Authority Partners, PPC helps present your business, brand, and services to people actively looking for them. And one of the best ways to help Google find and show your ads is by organizing your campaigns and ad groups using relevant keywords.

For example, a nose lift ad campaign can use the following keywords for ad groups: “regular rhinoplasty,” “nose lift,” “closed nose lift,” and “open nose lift.” Each keyword is unique to searches per ad group, so when people look for “nose lift,” they see ads for “nose lift” and not for a “closed nose lift” or an “open nose lift.”

Structuring your campaigns and ad groups improves ad relevance, overall ad performance, and conversions—the same goals as digital marketing for small businesses. Here are a few tips to help you structure your campaigns and ad groups.

  • Use a different keyword for every campaign. Using keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush, look for keywords with a high return on investment (ROI).
  • Create separate campaigns per location. Use the city, region, or zip code of your target audience to make ad analysis easier.
  • Develop separate campaigns for each device. Find out which devices your audience uses and create ads on these devices. Assess your campaigns to determine which device produces the best results.
  • Create branded campaigns. Use branded keywords, niche products, or slogans. Isolate these in a separate campaign. Such campaigns perform differently than non-branded campaigns.
  • Remember ad group parameters. Create a maximum of seven to ten ad groups for every campaign, two to three ads per ad group, and 20 keywords for every ad group. 
  • Consider audience search intent. Create separate ad groups for keywords that for buying intent and those for other intent. Determin search intent using Google search predictions, People Also Ask (PAA), and Related Searches.  

Choose the Best Time to Show Your Ads

Your clients may prefer to see your ads during specific times of the day, depending on their behavior, location, and other demographics. Creating an ad schedule ensures your ads show only during specific times or days and that you get the best return on your ad spending. This saves you money.

Scheduling PPC ads is one way to automate and simplify your campaigns. Easily find ads that could be performing better, keywords that produce better results, etc.

The first step in ad scheduling is to find the best time through ad testing. Do this across different platforms. Once you have enough data to determine the best times, adjust your ad schedule accordingly. Keep in mind the following settings in Google Ads:

  • Ad schedules default to your account time zone.
  • After setting up your Google account, you can no longer change the time zone.
  • You are allowed to use only one time zone.

Be guided by the following for effective ad scheduling:

  • Stretch ad schedules If you run your ads in many time zones, this helps you cover them all. For ads showing on the east and west coasts from 1 to 4 pm, adjust your schedule and place ads from 1 to 7 pm.
  • Create separate ad campaigns. This is another strategy for running ads on the east and west coasts.
  • Check the ad history. Look for data like the day and hour when your ads get more ad clicks, conversions, etc. Find these in the “Ad Schedule” section of your Google Ads screen.
  • Look for other scheduling factors. Some factors affect ad scheduling depending on the medical practice. For example, a plastic surgeon specializing in facelifts has older women as target audience. These women prefer to view ads in the early morning rather than other hours of the day.

Include Ad Extensions

Your paid ad on Google shows up in your audience’s search results (front and center), but you may need more information for them to select it. So marketers use ad extensions to add extra information and extend ad space.

More space and more information increase your chances of getting clicks. Other practical digital marketing strategies help promote your practice. Here are some of the best ad extensions that work best for plastic surgeons.

  • Use image extensions. This improves your ad’s appeal and engagement. Having an image of your service, product, or local clinic on your ad also increases ad relevance.
  • Take advantage of structured snippets. This is a list of your products or services. Customers click on these links to take them to specific pages on your site. For plastic surgeons, your services like facelift, nose lift, tummy tuck, etc. could be snippets. 
  • Improve ads with price extensions. Showcase your plastic surgery services with price points. Potential customers are usually on the lookout for great deals so having your price on your ad helps them make decisions right away.
  • Engage better with call extensions. This ad extension places your phone number on your ad so customers can call you immediately and book your services.

Aside from using ad extensions, make your PPC ads mobile-friendly. Ad spending on mobile search will reach $260 billion in 2027. Most marketers see the value of optimizing ads for mobile, so do not overlook it. 

Summing Up

Get the most out of your PPC campaigns. Improve your ranking and promote your plastic surgery practice by structuring your campaigns, scheduling ads, and using ad extensions. With these top tips in mind, you can gather more leads and build your customer base. 

Of course, PPC is no easy feat. It could hinder your practice if you do it alone. Consider getting help from professionals like PPC agencies. 

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