Cocomelon, previously checkgate, ThatsMEonTV, and ABCkidTV, is a Moonbug Entertainment YouTube channel that was launched on September 12, 2005 by Jay Jeon & his firm Treasure Studio Inc., headquartered in Irvine, California. It is the second most subscribed YouTube channel on the platform, as well as the most subscribed in the United States. It is perhaps the most leading educational and children’s program. This is also the first academic YouTube platform to reach the milestone of 100 million members.

In less than a month, this YouTube channel has topped one billion views. The videos are amusing and entertaining. The show is successful not just with youngsters, but also with adults. The episodes with the personalities and anecdotes from their life are the most famous. The channel’s  material is not intended to irritate adults, unlike comedies with a much more serious meaning. It is for children to know how to enjoy themselves as well as the rest of the world.

Youtube clips

It is a 3D animated film with rhymes and children’s songs that focuses on a group of three children and their creature buddies. (Occasionally, a new individual appears.) It is the 3rd or 4th quickest channel in terms of members and the second or third speediest in terms of views, with around 2 or 3 million subscribers and 2 to 4 billion views each month as of April 2021. This YouTube channel has over 117 million monthly active users and 107.9 billion total views as of August 23, 2021, earning it the most registered and watched educational network. It is the world’s largest network to reach one billion views a week.

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Jay Jeon and his wife started the channel that would ultimately become the same on September 1, 2006, as ThatsMEonTV (also known as checkgate on YouTube). In September of 2006, it published their first two videos to YouTube, both variations of the Alphabet Song. They followed up with that other alphabet-related video, “Teaching ABC Phonics – Letter “K” – game,” nine months. Before even being relaunched as ABCkidTV in 2013, ThatsMEonTV mainly exclusively generated infrequent 2D video tutorials about the alphabet and only utilised pets in the videos. The show’s first rebrand happened at the same time as the program’s focus shifted to nursery rhymes. ABCkidTV began transitioning from 2D to 3D cartoons in 2016, and people were featured with the animals.

Popularity Is Growing

The channel was renamed for the final time on August 18, 2018. Response to a shift in the YouTube engine that enabled it to develop at a rapid clip, the video began to garner more notice beginning that year. With over 100 million members, the network is presently one of the extremely fast channels in the world (rivalled only by T-Series or SET India) as of 2021. Despite its quick expansion, the show’s subscriber numbers have stalled for unexplained reasons.

What visual on the channel has by far the most views?

The song “Yes Yes” is perhaps the most successful movie on the youtube channel. This youtube clip has received over one billion active monthly users and became the most followed YouTube channel. The music in the back is also irritating. Laugh-out-loud music accompanies the cartoon. The figures have oversized heads and move in weird ways. Numerous episodes contain the very same cast of characters. The material of the channel is not suitable for children of any age. This does, nevertheless, have an adorable CGI baby doing sit-ups.

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Moonbug has made a purchase

 Moonbug intends to expand the video series with other characters as well as toys and other items. They also stated that they plan to focus on expanding its global availability in many programming languages. The channel was uploaded to Netflix by Moonbug in 2020, and it quickly has become one of the company’s most watched series.

The video reached 100 million registered users on December 12th, 2020, the world’s third YouTube station to do so.


It’s a kid’s show that’s fun to watch with the whole family. It’s a fun approach to connect with the kids while also learning about the dog’s name origins. For toddlers, the name has become a symbol. It is gaining in popularity. The app includes a large video library, featuring famous children’s songs. Computer games have a huge following. The Five Nights at Freddy’s guide is one of many instructional apps available.

Netflix is known for its popular original programming. Coco Melon and black-and-white flicks are two of its most watched series. The show is so successful that it has become Netflix’s most popular. Coco melon is a Netflix show that you will enjoy if you enjoy watching Netflix shows. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! This is an excellent place to begin. The network is well-known for its excellent quality and accessibility, making it an excellent place to begin.

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