Air conditioning systems are major investments. Because of that, homeowners generally want to make them last as long as possible. Doing so delays the significant expenses of replacement and can reduce repair costs along the way. Of course, ACs are under a lot of strain during the warmer months, so keeping them in optimal condition isn’t always easy. 

Making an Air Conditioning System Last Longer

Several measures can help to prolong the life of an air conditioner. One of the simplest and least costly is keeping the filters replaced to ensure adequate airflow. Routine inspections and tune-ups are also helpful. At the same time, having professionals handle repairs for your air conditioner when the need arises can also make it last longer. In addition to all that, many people aren’t aware that using the AC system’s thermostat can go a long way toward extending the life of an AC unit.

Taking Advantage of the Thermostat

Thermostats are used to control the temperature in a home. They do so by telling the HVAC system when to run and when to remain idle. If used properly, they can extend the lives of air conditioners in a few ways. Even basic analog thermostats have their advantages. They rely on the temperature previously set by the homeowner to determine when the air conditioner should start up and when it should shut down. 

With analog thermostats, it’s best to choose a moderate preset temperature and leave it there. Experts often recommend keeping the thermostat set to 78 degrees during the summer to help save energy. That’s a bit warm for most people’s comfort levels, though. Regardless of the desired temperature, continually changing the settings isn’t advised. Doing so will place added wear and tear on the system as well as its thermostat and may not have a noticeable effect on the temperature in the home. 

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That said, it doesn’t hurt to raise the temperature on the AC thermostat when no one is home. That’ll keep the air conditioner from running as much to cool an empty house. It’s also a better option than turning off the air conditioner while everyone is away. Turning off the system means it has to work harder to cool the house when everyone returns. 

Advanced Solutions

Obviously, standard analog thermostats aren’t the only options on the market. This is the digital age, and thermostats have evolved along with other devices. Digital thermostats, also known as programmable thermostats, are a bit more advanced than their analog counterparts. They can be programmed with different temperatures, such as one for times when the house is empty and one for times when everyone is usually home. They’re said to be more accurate than analog models, too.

Smart thermostats take matters even further. Though they initially need to be programmed with different temperatures, they’re equipped with learning capabilities, so they can automatically adjust themselves based on various parameters. They can be adjusted via smartphone as well. 

Boosting Longevity with a Thermostat

Some homes are still equipped with analog thermostats. Those can help prolong the life of an AC system, but they’re not necessarily the most accurate or efficient options on the market. Digital and smart thermostats may be even more effective for extending the lives of air conditioners. Choosing the right temperature settings and using those thermostats to their fullest capacity can delay the need to replace an air conditioning system and reduce the need for repairs. 

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