A circle is a geometrical object which has no curves on it. The area of any figure can be regarded as the space the figure can occupy within itself. Likewise, the area of a circle can be defined as the space a circle can withhold. The formula to calculate the area of a circle is ㅠr.r where ‘r’ is considered as the radius of the circle. In this article, we shall cover some interesting topics such as Circumference, examples based on the circumference, and area of the circle. 


The circumference can be defined as the perimeter of the total length of the outer boundaries of a given figure or object. For example, the circumference of the circle is the total length of the boundaries of a circle. Let us assume, a person is walking from point ‘a’ to point ‘b’ around a park. In this procedure, a distance has been covered which is regarded as the circumference. Generally, we study the circumference of a circle. Thus, we shall cover some examples based on it in the next sections. 

Some Examples Based on the Area of Circle 

As mentioned above, the common formula to calculate the area of a circle is ㅠr.r where ‘r’ is considered as the radius of the circle. Let us solve some examples based on the area of the circle so that you have no doubts left over for this particular topic. The examples are listed below: 

Example 1: Calculate the area of a circle if the radius of the circle is 5 cm? 

Solution: According to the question, 

Radius of the circle = 5 cm 

Now, in order to calculate the area of the circle. 

Use the formula for it i.e. =  ㅠr.r, 

3.14 * 5 * 5 = 3.14 * 25 

3.14 * 25 = 78.5 cm square units. 

Therefore, the area of the circle for the given radius is equivalent to 78.5 cm square units. 

Example 2: Calculate the area of a circle if the diameter of the circle is 5 cm ? 

Solution: According to the question, 

Diameter of the circle = 5 cm 

Radius of the circle = d / 2 = 5 /2 = 2.5 cm 

Now, in order to calculate the area of the circle. 

Use the formula for it i.e. =  ㅠr.r, 

3.14 * 2.5 * 2.5 = 3.14 * 6.25

3.14 * 6.25 =  19.625 cm square units. 

Hence, the area of the circle for the given radius is equivalent to 19.625 cm square units. 

Some Examples On the Circumference of Circle 

The mathematical formula to find the circumference of a circle is 2пr where ‘r’ is the radius of the circle. Practicing various examples related to a particular topic will encourage and boost your confidence. Some examples related to the circumference of the circle are listed below: 

Example 1: Find the circumference of the circle if the radius of the circle is equivalent to 6 cm? 

Solution: Given that, 

The radius of the circle = 6 cm 

Using the formula for the circumference of the circle = 2пr. 

2 * 3.14 * 6 = 3.14 * 12 

12 * 3.14 = 37.68 cm 

Hence, the circumference of the circle is 37.68 cm. 

Example 2: Calculate the circumference of the circle if the radius of the circle is equivalent to 12 cm ? ( take the value of pi as 22/7 ) 

Solution: Given that, 

The radius of the circle = 12 cm 

Using the formula for the circumference of the circle = 2пr. 

2 * 22/7 * 12 = 24 * 22/7 

24 * 22/7 = 76.36 cm ( approx ) 

Hence, the circumference of the circle is 75.36 cm. 

In order to study more amazing concepts like circumference and area of a circle, visit Cuemath and book a free session now. 

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