Anybody would prefer to avoid having a vehicle accident. There are more than six million car accidents in the United States alone each year, or more than 16,000 every day. Auto accidents are obviously highly prevalent and occasionally unavoidable, but that doesn’t imply you are inevitably going to have one soon.

There are numerous things you can do both before and after getting behind the wheel to reduce the likelihood of getting into a car accident. Some of these are very clear, while you might not be aware of others. Whether it’s a minor collision or a serious collision, every adjustment and factor can help lower your risk of getting into an accident. So let’s look at nine factors that can assist lower the likelihood of getting into a vehicle accident.

Avoid Choosing the Wrong Car

Would you believe that the first decision you can make to prevent car accidents happens before you even start making payments on your vehicle? Although it might not be obvious, picking the incorrect vehicle at the dealership can have a significant impact on your risk of being in an accident.

Let’s start by talking about car colors. Some hues are inherently riskier for accidents because they are less noticeable. The colors most frequently linked to car accidents on a population level are red, blue, grey, and black, making them potentially hazardous choices (with black being the most dangerous). These colors either blend in with many natural surroundings or are frequently seen in other buildings, surfaces, and elements when driving, so understanding shouldn’t be a problem. The best color choices for visibility are white, yellow, orange, or gold if you want to be on the safe side.

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Avoid Driving at Inconvenient Hours

Sometimes we can’t avoid driving at certain times. Some things simply cannot wait, whether they involve leaving for work, collecting up the kids from school, or running some other urgent errand. It’s crucial to remember that a disproportionate number of accidents take place at night or in poor driving conditions. Therefore, if you can avoid driving at night or during a storm and choose to do so during the day or in better weather, you will significantly lower your risk of getting into an accident. If you are in an accident California, be sure to call an expert car accident lawyer in Irvine, CA.

Stop Texting and Driving

How many components of your daily driving routine divert your focus from the immediate, most crucial task? There are various instances of inattentive driving that are accepted as being normal (or at least in some cases, tolerated). Music listening is a well-known example. Have you ever discovered that you need to turn the radio off in order to concentrate or focus? It’s a completely normal reaction, and some studies even imply that listening to music at a moderate volume while driving can be beneficial. However, listening to loud music can cause a twenty percent reduction in reaction times.

If lowering the risk of an accident is the goal, using visual forms of technology, such as texting or cell phone use, is also strongly discouraged. Even speaking on the phone while driving can be distracting, even though several states have outlawed it. Similarly, using a touchscreen or other visual technology while driving can be equally as distracting as texting, so refrain from doing so.

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Regularly Maintain your Vehicle

Your automobile can only perform as well as its weakest mechanical part; if the problem isn’t fixed, your driving experience could be compromised, raising the risk of an accident. What kind of wear and tear can make you more likely to be in a collision? The state and pressure of the tyres are crucial. Underinflated tyres can alter the way a car handles and cause it to react differently than it would otherwise. Similarly, worn tyres take longer to break and travel a greater distance, which could lead to collisions where newer tyres could have avoided them.

Brakes are obviously essential for preventing accidents, and as the majority of collisions involve drivers hitting each other from behind, make sure they are in good working order. Other important elements that occasionally could be disregarded are your electrical system and lights. Your car’s electrical systems guarantee not only proper operation but also complete functionality. Your vehicle would become a collision magnet if you were stuck on the side of the road due to a faulty connection.

Learn Safe Driving Techniques

Even though accidents frequently seem to happen in the blink of an eye, a sizable portion can be avoided with the correct knowledge and training. A safe driving or defensive driving school can help you refine your senses and teach you how to respond fast because many accidents have a 2 to 3 second window between when one or more drivers recognize the impending event and it actually happens.

There are classes available both online and in person, and each has advantages of its own. Even a fundamental understanding of the principles can lessen the likelihood of getting involved in an automobile accident, even if in-person lessons will use real-world experiences to replicate and teach. 

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Other Crucial Issues

There are other modest steps you may also take to lessen the likelihood of an accident, all of which can quickly make driving safer. On a highway or interstate, the left lane is where accidents typically happen. Keep to the left or centre lane when driving in an area with many lanes so you have more alternatives for avoiding collisions.

While driving, make sure to keep your eyes forward, but be mindful of those blind zones. To ensure that these blind spots are as small as possible, you might need to adjust your side and rearview mirrors. Do your best to avoid any automobiles that you see that have obviously been in accidents in the past. Even though there is no way to predict accidents in the future, actuaries believe that past mishaps might signal some degree of inattention.

You’ll significantly increase your chances of staying safe on the road if you take these nine general suggestions into consideration. While some accidents can’t be helped, many can be avoided with the right foresight, some training, and situational awareness.

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