There are many different methods that you can make use of in order to market your business. Some of them will involve omnichannel and multichannel marketing. It’s a good idea to be familiar with these terms before you open your doors to the public. Knowing the difference between them will streamline your operation.

What is the Most Fundamental Systemic Difference?

Omni-channel digital marketing services are similar to services rendered in the multichannel mode in many ways. At the same time, you should note that there are also some very sharp contrasts. These differences render these two subjects very different in their application.

Perhaps the most crucial difference to make a note of is the fact that a system of multichannel marketing will be one that focuses primarily on engaging customers. By contrast, an omnichannel network will be set up to receive customers and improve their overall experience. This channel exists to supplement the other.

As a result, the clear goal of multichannel marketing will be to cast a wide net that draws in as many new customers as possible. Once you achieve this goal, you can then switch to an omnichannel marketing system. The goal of this system will be to retain customers by making their customer journey as smooth as silk.

How Social Media Marketing Uses Both Channels

Social media is a crucial platform from which you can raise your level of public exposure. The more successfully you manage to do so, the easier it will be for you to grow and expand your business. You can use both multichannel and omnichannel marketing to reach this goal. But their application will differ.

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Multichannel marketing is a means by which you can get more followers. Once you have built up a sizable and loyal audience, the next step will be to encourage them to leave more comments, likes, and shares. These are the metrics by which you can confirm a growing level of public interaction with your brand.

Omnichannel marketing works via a slightly different set of day-to-day operating parameters. This is a channel that will focus less on the metrics and more on getting your customers from a social media page straight to your website. One of the best examples of omnichannel marketing is PPC ads that work in this fashion.

Clicking on a PPC ad on Facebook or Twitter will enable a customer to visit the page on your website that gives them more details on a certain item. From here, they can get all of the info they need in order to decide if they want to buy it. If the answer is yes, they can go straight from there to the checkout page.

The Focus of Each Channel is Different

True to its very name, multichannel marketing is focused primarily on the different types of channels that can be used to draw in new leads. Meanwhile, omnichannel marketing is focused much more directly on the experience of your new customers. The one is thus subsequent, rather than adjacent, to the other.

The stated aim of multichannel marketing will thus be to expand on the total number of channels that you can make use of in order to promote your brand. The higher the number of channels, the more venues a customer will have to interact with you. If they are not fond of Facebook, they can engage with you on Twitter.

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With omnichannel marketing, the focus is set back squarely on the customer rather than the venue that they made use of in order to reach you. The point here will be to remove any obstacles or other sources of friction that could prevent them from completing their customer journey. The smoother the process, the easier the sale.

Both Types of Channels Will Be Essential

It should be noted that both types of channels will be essential for the growth and expansion of your business. You need the one to draw in new leads and the other to guarantee a positive customer experience. These two channels thus represent different angles of a strategy to ensure the success of your business.


Bryan Cunningham

Zombie maven. Musicaholic. Friendly student. Unapologetic organizer. Hipster-friendly internet geek.