Setting up a secure email server is not always easy, but it can be done if you are determined enough. To make sure your emails are as private and secure as possible, here are some tips on how to set one up.

1. First and foremost, pick an email service provider (ESP) that provides end-to-end encryption for all of their services (like Google and Outlook). 

2. Use strong passwords for all of your accounts; the stronger the password, the better protection there is against hackers trying to break in while they try to snoop around through your data–and less necessary will be spending money on paid antivirus software because you will be using encryption regularly! 

3. Make sure the email client you use supports PGP, S/MIME encryption, and (ideally) OTR, too. This will ensure that your communications are as secure and private as possible. 

4. Use OpenPGP to verify the keys of anyone you communicate with via email. You can do this by verifying that their key fingerprint is correct: 

5. When you’re sending an email, use a server that provides “non-DNS based” encryption. 

This means the sender doesn’t need to know the IP address of the recipient, or even where you are (since the email will only be delivered in the country of origin). This is important because if all your messages are sent via DNS to a foreign country’s ISP, your government may have access to them since they can trace your IP address. 

6. Once you have your email server set up, then it’s a simple matter of using PGP and S/MIME to encrypt and sign your email. You can’t really send an encrypted message that isn’t signed!

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7. If you are using an unencrypted email system like Gmail or Yahoo, then it’s imperative that you use a POP3 account. When someone shows up in your inbox, they will see whatever is in the “sent mail” folder first, so if your password ever leaks out, then it will be easy for the government to find all of your emails even if you don’t store them on your own computer (unless those emails are backed up to a cloud service). 

8. If you have a Gmail account, then set up an alias. This will let you check your Gmail inbox securely on a different channel. If you don’t want to do that, then it’s still a good idea to create an email address exclusively for this purpose so that your main address remains clean. Then forward emails from that address to your “official” one when they’re finished. 

9. Make sure you use https:// if you’re logging in to your account on a web browser, or it will be transmitted in the clear over the Internet and vulnerable to being monitored.

10. Make sure you don’t use “” or any other Google services while accessing your email–only use the IP address assigned by your Internet provider, which should be static (i.e., not dynamic) and therefore impossible for anyone to find out where it is located at any given time. 

11. Do not send sensitive information like bank account numbers, social security info, etc. in an email! Doing so is just asking for your information to be stolen and sold off to the highest bidder. Use encryption instead. 

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12. Avoid using “reply all” if you do not really have to. Not only does it clog up your inbox but it exposes everyone else on the thread to whatever sensitive information you just sent everyone in that email list. Instead, reply directly or via a special address you set up for this purpose (e.g., “”). 

If you want to send a business email, you might consider using a hosted, or “premium” email service like Mailchimp, Campaign Monitor, etc. These services don’t store your data in their own systems and instead send your emails directly to the recipient’s server. This requires that they use encryption along with PGP in order for you to be as private as possible. There are other services like this as well that require that your recipient also use encryption before delivering your message. 

13. Don’t ever trust an email from someone unless you can verify the identity of the person by looking up a picture (preferably), verifying their name, etc.


Kampung Bloggers Explain the conclusion that, a secure email system, coupled with strong passwords and PGP (or OpenPGP) encryption can be very helpful in keeping your communications private and safe against hackers. However, there are certain strategies that make it easier for others to identify you even if you use encryption. It is best to try to avoid these pitfalls at all costs. Other pitfalls include sending sensitive information in email and connecting to your server from an unsecured location (like a government building).

Examining this article carefully, the writer has explored potential threats and vulnerabilities in the security of email systems. This can be very useful for students who have chosen to write about it because it allows them to show their understanding of the topic through their own research, as well as applying their knowledge of technology in a practical way by creating an interesting piece of work using the material they have learned.

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