Coffee is a worldwide famous beverage that also has several regional recipes. The coffee market in Australia amounts to more than 10 billion AUD annually, a testament to coffee lovers in Australia. These people love their coffee and are constantly trying to find better brands, roasts, sources, etc., to enhance their coffee drinking experience. Several people even own commercial coffee machines in Australia to brew the perfect customised cuppa every day. While Australia may not have indigenous beans, renowned brands provide world-class coffee accessories from mugs to coffee machines, which help make the best coffee for coffee lovers. Furthermore, people can always source exotic beans effortlessly from various offline and online stores in Australia, each offering a unique flavour.


Several regions and countries worldwide have a global reputation for their coffee beans. These regions may have unique growing methods, soil consistencies, coffee bean species, etc., that set them apart.

From The Blue Mountains of Jamaica

With a name as exotic as blue mountain Jamaican coffee, these beans do not disappoint with their smooth but full-bodied flavour and acidic nature. The coffee has a rich, fruity, and floral taste that provides a unique coffee experience. Not all Jamaican coffee from the Blue Mountains make the cut, and only the best quality beans get certified and shipped worldwide. These high standards make it a rare coffee bean on the market.

From The Slopes of Ethiopia

While Ghana has its cocoa, Ethiopia has its coffee. The best Ethiopian coffee comes from the Gesha village, though this variety is best grown in Panama. Originally from Gesha, Geisha coffee has a sweet caramel-like flavour that delights the taste buds. Today, over ten countries grow this species of coffee, but it is still a rarity on the market. This coffee requires precise conditions for yielding the best beans, making it an elite coffee drink.

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The World’s Most Expensive Coffee

A recent social media trend revealed Kopi Luwak coffee’s “exotic” treatment. The coffee beans undergo digestion by palm civets, and their juices ferment the coffee cherries. These cherries then yield a unique flavour of coffee beans, which are so rare that they are a luxury. People who do not find this off-putting can try these beans and reward themselves with a coffee with a sweet chocolatey taste. It is essential to research the brand before buying their Kopi Luwak beans.

From The Isle of Sumatra

Sumatra is an island off the coast of Indonesia. Sumatran coffee has a global name for its deep earthy flavour, and there are four types of coffee beans native to this exotic island. Mandheling coffee is one of the best known Sumatran-grown beans for its smooth yet dark flavour. The volcanic soil provides ideal conditions to grow these beans that produce a herbal and woody taste. However, people need to taste it first-hand to appreciate the flavour properly.

From The Sands of Hawaii

Hawaii is the sole producer of indigenous coffee in the U.S., producing the magnificent coffee bean known as Kona coffee. There are various varieties of this coffee, but the Peaberry Kona is best known for its flavour. Kona coffee brings a silky chocolatey texture to the mouth and is lowly acidic. Peaberry Kona also provides the extra benefits of the coffee cherry, making it a healthier option.

On average, Aussies consume around 2 kgs of coffee per person per year. Coffee lovers might consume a higher number. With the effortless availability of commercial coffee machines in Australia, people can make barista-style coffee at home. When they blend these exotic beans with their coffee machines, people can experience a unique beverage not found anywhere else in Australia.

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