For parents of children with special needs, there are many obstacles to overcome. I have compiled a list of tips and tricks for parents who want to help their child’s development. Do some topics include what is autism? How can I deal with my child’s tantrums? What are the best ways to nurture my child? And more! Bear Paw Creek creative movement products can be an effective way to help special needs children develop play skills.

Sage Advice About Special Children From A Five-Year-Old

Having a special child is hard work. I remember when my own parents had to deal with me; it must have been difficult for them! Luckily, I am able to share some of my sage advice that can help many parents solve their child’s problems:

  • If you’re having a temper tantrum in the store and they won’t let you stay, then don’t buy anything!
  • Make sure to speak up for yourself. If they’re going to do something that makes you feel bad, say no! Don’t be a baby about it – if you want them to stop doing something, keep saying no until they listen. They can only ignore you for so long before they have to stop.
  • Don’t let people tell you what is or isn’t special about your child! You love her, and that’s all that matters in the end. Just because they don’t understand doesn’t mean she isn’t worth loving.
  • Children are different from adults, so instead of expecting them to act like adults, you should treat them the way they need to be treated. Sometimes when you try to treat a child like an adult, it can cause problems because she doesn’t understand everything that an adult would understand.
  • Don’t give up! It might seem like your child is having problems all of the time, but these problems are common for institute for special children. Don’t think that there’s nothing you can do and give up on them – show them that they’re special every day!
  • Make sure to take lots of pictures of your child – I bet she’ll love looking back at how cute she was as a baby if you ask her about it when she grows up! (And if she doesn’t, that means you’re doing something wrong. Please comment and let me know what you’re doing wrong so I can fix it.)
  • Remember that special children are still people! Sometimes when they act up, it’s because they don’t understand what the right choice is. That’s why if you punish her for making a bad choice, she’ll never learn not to make that choice again. She needs lots of love and praise when she does the right thing so she learns what you want her to do.

I hope these tips help parents who are wondering how they can help their children! If you have any other questions about your special child, don’t hesitate to ask me in the comments.

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What Freud Can Teach Us About Special Children

The study of psychology is a difficult and tedious process, which is why it can be frustrating when I come across people who don’t understand how my studies work. Luckily, Sigmund Freud has written some things that make understanding the mind much easier! 

When we think about children with special needs, we must look at their relationship with their parents. Children depend on their parents for resources, care, and love. When a child misbehaves or does something that her parents don’t like, she is usually punished in some way. However, Freud says that when children are punished after they have been bad it only works to strengthen the idea of being bad in the mind of the child herself.

If you punish your child for throwing a tantrum at the grocery store, then she is more likely to throw that same tantrum again. This means that if you do not want her to throw another tantrum in the grocery store, then you should work hard not to punish her after she throws one! If punishment works to make children better behaved, then why do children keep acting up in the same places? Perhaps this is because when a child wants to act out, she will find a way to do so. Instead of punishing your child after they make a mistake, try rewarding them for making the right choices or giving them lots of praise when they behave well!

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This can be frustrating when people who are not parents want to come in and tell you how to do your job. Sometimes it seems like whenever there is news about a special child, bloggers will all jump at the chance to post their “advice.” This can truly be infuriating when so many of them have never raised a special child in their life! I’ve noticed that most of these bloggers are adults who were not special children themselves. Many of them seem to think that the only way you can be a parent is by raising your child like they would raise their own, but all parents are different and know what’s best for their child.

I’m done with my rant; thank you for listening! Please comment with your thoughts!

    “We’re making headlines!” That’s what all of the special needs parent blogs say, but I’m here to tell you that this headline is different. This article isn’t just about how to help your child achieve their full potential. It’s also about helping parents understand more about their children and themselves. As a mother, I have faced many challenges in raising my special child. The biggest challenge that I have faced is accepting the fact that no matter what choices I make, they will not be exactly right for everyone else’s children. Instead of wondering why people are giving me their unsolicited opinions about how to raise my own child, maybe instead we should encourage parents to look at their own child and ask, “How do they learn best?”

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Parents: don’t let people who have never raised special children tell you how to raise yours. It’s not helpful. Instead, look inside yourself and try your best based on your knowledge of your own child. People with special needs are just like everyone else in that they all learn differently.

Special children: listen to your parents when they tell you that there is nothing wrong with you and that it’s not your fault when people give you bad looks. It’s frustrating when people want to make assumptions about us based on how we look, but we must remember that our skin color doesn’t define who we are.

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